In the world of technology where a new health device is created every six months, trying to keep up with all the latest tech and its associated data is almost impossible. What we have developed is a complete Client Server Health Monitoring system to gather all the data from the various Bluetooth devices and manage the users of those devices by parameters that can be configured and monitored from the web based application. Our system can help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus.


“Technology is managed from the application website, not on the user’s mobile phone. The phone can be replaced without any complicated reconfiguration to the phone”.

The Owner is provided with a URL link to their private web based Master Control Monitoring Application.

This system will store only the necessary data needed to raise alerts, if the data being processed is outside the acceptable range.

Parameters for each monitored feature is configurable and is managed by the administrative team on the client’s site.



We believe that our software is so flexible that it can be in almost any vertical where some type of supervision is required. Here are some examples;